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I fear in a sentence

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Sentence count:111+3Posted:2018-09-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: life-and-deathfearafeardfear forfor fearfearfulsafe areafearsome
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91. For me, I fear to watch horror films, to play bungee jumping, and am afraid of blackish softish creatures.
92. I fear poor Emmy had not a well - regulated mind.
93. I fear no man, or beast, Gnome, and I'll show you that!
93. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
94. When I feel sorrow, I wanna your comfort. I fear that you will tease me, that I look stupid when I cry, so I never dare to do so.
95. " I fear both the Tigers of Detroit and the Indians of Cleveland.
96. "'Tis not the Mouse I fear, " said the Lion; "I resent his familiarity and ill-breeding. "Little liberties are great offenses.
97. My dear young woman, I fear that blackwater fever is going to be the least of your worries.
98. Dare not to recall, I fear that time will lose color. Dare not to find, I am afraid of Jin will therefore miss the flowers.
99. I am not a Christmas person – I fear the pageantry and the crowds.
100. I fear thy nature; it is too full othe milk of human kindness.
101. I fear that I might miss out by chasing two goals, he said.
102. His strength has gone, and I fear the death struggle has begun.
103. Part of me wants to tell my boss the truth, but I fear it would make me look drippy and uncommitted.
104. In Corleone we played together as children and now will you let me die when I fear hell for my sins?
105. He fears the lancet of my art as I fear that of his . The cold steelpen.
106. I fear the dying that goes on inside you when you leave the game of life to wait in the final checkout line.
107. I fear poor Emmy has not a well - regulated mind.
108. Our household golden, Bjorn, raises his paw in a Teutonic salute so often, I fear he may have picked up Nazi sympathies from a reprobate gang of skinhead German pointers.
109. I fear that these creatures are massing for an attack against our encampment.
110. I exclaimed, assuming the cheerful. and I fear I shall be weather-bound for half an hour, if you can afford me shelter during that space.
111. I fear that she is going to have a stroke if she does not get her pressure lowered.
More similar words: life-and-deathfearafeardfear forfor fearfearfulsafe areafearsomefearlessfor fear offearfullyfearlesslyfearsomelygod-fearinga matter of life and deathfearfulnessfall on deaf earsfeature articleturn a deaf ear towithout fear or favourfor dear lifefearlessnesswear and tearnear and dearlearn by heartheart-searchingto learn by heartfeatfeatherfeast
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